
May 7, 2014

10 Breastfeeding Tips, Tricks and Experiences

As a first-time mom, to my now 18-month-old, I knew I wanted to breastfeed. I didn't know much else about breastfeeding, just that as long as my body and the baby cooperated, that was the way I wanted to feed her.

Looking back at the last year and a half I realize how many tips and tricks I have learned.

I hope my experiences can help and be an encouragement for someone who may be where I was just a short time ago. #breastfeeding

#1 - Focus on a good latch.

If I directed Peanut's chin toward the nipple rather than her top lip it was noticeably more comfortable.

That being said, nursing her was not pain free until about six weeks after she was born. I hope it was because of poor latching in the beginning, because that means if baby #2 ever comes around there is hope for less discomfort with a consistently good latch!

#2 - Use lanolin on your nipples.

I noticed better healing when I moisturized my tender chapped nipples with lanolin.

#3 - Newborns like to nurse often and for a long time.

I remember Peanut nursing for 30 to 45 minutes in the beginning. She'd take a break, sometimes less than an hour, and then nurse another long session.  This is known as cluster feeding. It typically happens before one of many growth spurts during the baby's first year.

#4 - Toddlers nurse for much shorter time periods.

10 minutes is now a long nursing session for my 18-month-old. But beware of a lazy latch. One poor latch from Peanut and I'm sore for a week. If she takes a shallow latch I'll use my pinkie finger to break suction and help her try again.

#5 - Wear v-necks and button downs.

It is much easier and more comfortable to nurse her when I can pull down my top rather than lift it up.

#6 - Drink a LOT of water.

In the beginning I was thirsty all the time. Also, I'm not 100% sure on this, but I was dealing with a lot of constipation after she was born and think it may have been contributed to by my not drinking enough water.

#7 - Don't let baby sleep while latched on.

Peanut nursed her herself to sleep all the time and that is perfectly fine. Once the baby is asleep, break suction and remove her from your breast.

I was reminded the hard way that yeast flourishes in warm, moist, sweet environments.

#8 - Baby teeth don't change anything.

Peanut's teeth started coming in at 3 months and she had 16 teeth shortly after her 1st birthday. When she was between 6 and 9 months old she bit me a couple times. It hurt and I yelped loudly when it did. I said "no" and stopped the nursing session.

The real trick for me not getting bit was to nurse her just until she was satisfied. A nursing baby CANNOT bite. They bite when they are done nursing. So when she was done I didn't let her linger!

#9 - Baby can nurse while sleeping.

Some of Peanut's most effective nursing sessions are while she's still mostly asleep. She'll take long rhythmic draws of milk and when she's finished she'll go right back to sleep.

#10 - Nursing is enjoyable.

I've always enjoyed our nursing sessions. They are a great time to connect and enjoy each other's company. I love it when she takes a break from nursing to flash me a sweet smile. Ahhhh. :)

Overall my experiences with nursing have exceeded my expectations.

I could go on and on about this topic, but that will have to be another post, another day.

When breastfeeding your baby did you have any eye-opening experiences? I'd love to hear them!

Linked up to: Small Victories Sunday, Turn It Up Tuesday, Treasure Box TuesdayWonderful Wednesday Blog HopFlaunt It Friday, Weekend Wind Down, Teach Me Tuesday, Pintastic Pinteresting Party, Making Monday, Weekend No Rules Blog Hop, Parenting Pointers Linky Party, Merry Monday Linky Party, Fabulously Frugal Thursday.  


  1. Great tips! I pinned this too :) Thanks for sharing at #smallvictoriessundaylinky!

  2. I loved nursing my 3 sons. great tips! Thanks for sharing with Small Victories Sunday linky!

    1. Thanks! Nursing has been such a great experience. :)

  3. Thank you for linking up on Pintastic Pinteresting Party. My daughter is now in her 30's but I still remember nursing her as being one of the greatest experiences of my life. There are some great tips here. Thanks again.

  4. I have mixed feelings about nursing. I short term breastfed both of my children and then switched to exclusively pumping. More this time than last, I sometimes long for it. I even give it a go every now and then. My 6 week old has bottle preference now, which is fine with me and all my own doing. In the end, nursing wasn't for me, especially with more than one child, but it's something I whole heartedly endorse.

    1. I have a friend who gets thrush so bad it hurts for her to even pump. She nursed her 3 kids, but for a less amount of time with each one. Everyone is different and it's great that we have the options that we do to feed our precious little babies! Good for you for pumping and giving nursing a try! Thanks for sharing. :)

  5. My kids are all older now and I remember breastfeeding my first one was a complete challenge. These are great tips. Thanks for sharing it on the Merry Monday Linky Party.

    1. Very challenging...I remember wondering when it would stop hurting every time she nursed! Thanks for stopping by! :)


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