
May 29, 2014

5 Tips for Using Cloth Baby Wipes

I gave up baby wipes back when my little one was about 5 weeks old.  Here are 5 tips to a smooth transition away from baby wipes to cloth wipes if you are looking to save money or reduce the chemicals your baby is exposed to. #babywipes #clothwipes #clothbabywipes

Back when Peanut was a newborn her doctor suggested organic and natural brand wipes that used less chemicals, since most of the chemicals in baby wipes have not been tested for long term effects.

I thought I had just the answer when my sister-in-law gave me a recipe for homemade wipes using paper towels, baby shampoo and water, but before I could use the whole batch they got moldy.

Gross and no thank you!

And then when my little Peanut was 5 weeks old she developed a diaper rash. I was instructed by the doctor to not use baby wipes while we treated the rash. She told me just to use a wash cloth and water.

So I gave up the wipes and never looked back. #babywipes #clothwipes #clothbabywipes

Here are 5 tips for going baby wipe free and transitioning to cloth baby wipes, based on my experiences:

1) Buy at least 18 soft baby wash cloths.

18 is enough to last between laundry loads if I don't do a load everyday.  Any parent of a newborn knows that you do at least one load of laundry everyday in the beginning, so you could start out with fewer than 18 wash cloths and be fine.  I started with 12 and had plenty for Peanut's first few months. #babywipes #clothwipes #clothbabywipes

2) Get a squirt bottle.

A water bottle with a gentle squirt top is very useful while baby still has breastfed poopies.  I used the squirt bottle I was given at the hospital when she was born.  If you were given one, it works perfectly!  I would use one of those soft thick cloth diaper/burp cloths under her bum and gently wash her with the water. #babywipes #clothwipes #clothbabywipes

3) Find a hair dryer with a low and cool setting.

After cleaning Peanut with the water I would use the hair dryer to make sure she was completely dry.  One diaper rash was enough for me! I didn't strap on that clean diaper until there was no more moisture in her diaper area.

Added hair dryer bonus...Peanut loved the soothing white noise!  If she got upset during the diaper change, she always calmed down and enjoyed the blow drying process.  I only used the hair dryer for the first few months, but it was so handy. #babywipes #clothwipes #clothbabywipes

4) Set up a diaper change area near the bathroom.

Our current house has a large enough bathroom counter to change her right on the counter.  It is super handy since I am right next to the sink.  I use two wash cloths for a dirty diaper.  I use one dampened with water to wipe away any solids.  Then I use a little soap to lather her diaper area and then use the second wash cloth to rinse her clean.  I lay her bottom on a towel to catch the rinse water and then use the towel to blot her dry.

I always spray a natural sanitizing bathroom cleaner on the counter and sink when I through rinsing the dirty wash cloth.  My sinks have never stayed so clean.  :)

Another bathroom benefit is if I open up the diaper and discover a mess, I am two steps from the bath tub for an impromptu bath. 

If your bathroom counter is not large enough, or if you have an adventurer who won't stay on the counter, just do the diaper change on the floor.  And if you do place the baby on the counter, keep a hand on them at ALL times.  Peanut has never fallen off the counter, but that is because I know she will if fall off if I let go of her even for a second. #babywipes #clothwipes #clothbabywipes

5) Pack an extra bag in your diaper bag for dirty wash cloths.

I clean Peanut the same way when we are out as I do when we are home, but I make sure to pack a bag for the dirties so I can clean them once we get home.  When we are out I use my squirt bottle to get the wash cloth wet. Then I use a dry wash cloth to blot her dry before putting on the clean diaper.

I love knowing that I'm not exposing Peanut to extra chemicals and I really like not having to buy baby wipes! 

If you like these tips, try my 10 breastfeeding tips.  I sure learned a lot in my first year of nursing my baby girl.

What are your favorite baby tips?  I love learning new ideas that make life easier. :)

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  1. My babies are now 28 and 35. This is the way we used to do it! Great post! Pinning to my Children's board!

    1. Thanks for the pin! I love using these wipes, so easy and FREE. :)

  2. Cloth washies are easy to make, too! I like mine 8x8 with flannel on one side and cotton sherpa on the other side for scrubbing power. I don't squirt the baby; I squirt the washcloth. And you're right. Peri bottles are perfect for wetting wipes. Travel bottles from the $1 section are okay, too.

    1. I mostly wet the washcloth, but the bottle is great for squirting out crevices, haha! :) I'd love to make my own wipes, but I'm still saving up for a sewing machine. I'm very visual, so if you have a tutorial on your homemade wipes I'd love to see it!

  3. Great tips. My friend does this, too. Thank you for linking to the WWDParty.

  4. I never knew baby wipes were bad - in fact I use them to take my make-up off! This is certainly good to know! Passing along.. Thank you for sharing this with us at Merry Monday Linky Party! Julia

    1. I know, I never really gave it much thought until it was brought to my attention! Thanks so much for stopping by. :)

  5. Four children and almost never had a rash using this method. My oldest caught her first rash when I let a family member keep her for a week while on a cruise. She used baby wipes on her bottom, worse rash I had ever seen.

    1. Wow, I'd never thought of that! My daughter's one bad rash was before we stopped using wipes. She gets a little red occasionally now, but it's nothing I can't clear up in a day or two.
      Thanks for the comment!

  6. Thanks for linking up on the Pintastic Pinteresting Party. Although my baby years are long gone, as are my daughter's, I found the post interesting and informative. Any time we can minimize the chemicals being used on our babies, that is a good thing. Thanks again for sharing.

  7. I've been so tempted to try cloth diapers and wipes, but I'm scared! I have two in diapers right now, and I already have a hard time keeping up on laundry. My husband also thinks it's crazy, but I still can't shake the idea, esp considering all the junk that's in wipes. Thanks so much for linking up at the Lovely Ladies Linky. Posts like these make me feel a little more confident that this is something we could actually handle.

    1. I haven't tried cloth diapers yet. I'm with you on trying to keep up on the laundry as it is! Go ahead and try using a wash cloth on your next diaper change. It's worth a try! Good luck!

  8. You made a good choice to switch to the cloths for clean up, the squirt bottle sounds perfect for this task. Thanks for sharing on Oh My Heartsie this week!!!

  9. Wow, thanks for the tips! I have always used baby wipes for just about everything. I didn't realize how bad they were.

    1. I know! When our doctor told us to be aware of the ingredients it was a real eye opener. And we go to a regular M.D., not a naturopath. Thanks for the visit!


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