
June 2, 2014

Removing Spit Up and Vomit Smell

My little Peanut got sick the other day.  She only threw up once, but once is enough to need to know how to remove the smell of vomit.  I found this post via Pinterest and got to work.

We washed Peanuts blankets and clothes in the washing machine and after two washings, the smell was gone.  But her pacifier strap had obviously taken the brunt of the *ahem* sickness.

Her pacifier strap also had been spit up on numerous times so it had long since been fresh smelling.

Knowing I couldn't throw it in the wash I tried this solution.

Since I only needed to clean the pacifier strap, I made a small portion of the cleaner.

I used 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide, 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and a drop of dishwashing soap.

I stirred the ingredients together and dropped in the pacifier strap.  I swished the strap around and scrubbed it with my fingers, letting it stay in the solution for about 5 to 10 minutes.

Then I rinsed it and hoped for the best!

Amazing.  The smell was gone!

When Peanut was younger and she would get spit up smell on the strap, I could never wash it enough to completely remove the smell.  If only I had this recipe back then!

The original post also has suggestions for removing the smell from carpet, bedding, stuffed animals and more.  I'm so glad I have this pinned on Pinterest.  It's the kind of information you don't really think about until you need it!

Do you have any cleaning tips for the smelly problems life throws our way?  Please share, I'm sure I'll be needing them in the future!

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  1. Ack! I wish I would have known this several months ago! I had the same problem with my daughter's pacifier clip! ...And her crib too...even though I wiped it off several times. :/ Thanks for sharing at the Pintastic Pinteresting Party!

    1. I know! I would have used this all the time for spit up if I'd known about it!

  2. Thank goodness I'm over the baby vomit stage and my kids are old enough to make it to the bathroom. Great tip. Pinned. Thanks for sharing on Merry Monday.


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