Flavored Gelatin Squares - Without Artificial Ingredients | Mimi, Mommy and Me: Flavored Gelatin Squares - Without Artificial Ingredients

April 15, 2014

Flavored Gelatin Squares - Without Artificial Ingredients

When our one-year-old came down with a sore throat, we thought we'd make her some Jell-O, knowing how good it feels on a sore throat.

The only problem was we try our best to avoid artificial ingredients. Knowing how the brightly artificially colored treat is also flavored artificially we set out to find a suitable alternative.

My super-shopper husband came home with a package of Knox Original Gelatine, complete with a recipe on the back of the box for Fruit Juice Knox Blox.

They were pretty simple to make. We chose to use white grape juice and opted to add honey, like the recipe suggested, since honey is good for sore throats.

I sprinkled the gelatin on 1 cup of cold juice in a bowl and let it sit for one minute. It looked really cool as the powder got all gelatinous.

Then I added the 3 cups of hot water and stirred it for 5 minutes. I stirred in the honey next.

I then poured it into a 9x13 dish and stuck it in the refrigerator for 3 hours to get firm.

It turned out perfectly! 

The flavor was mild, which I didn't mind since my baby wasn't feeling well. Next time we will try a bolder juice like regular purple grape juice or cherry juice.

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